Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tower of Babel

Following the Great Flood, Noah’s people were sticking together like a high school clique. They migrated eastward and reached a place called Shinar. They all spoke the same language and were working towards common goals, so they progressed as a society very quickly. One day, they decided to build a tower up to Heaven and called it the Tower of Babel (Tower to God, Gateway to God). God knew that they were a very successful group, so to keep them from pursuing Godliness, he broke up the party and scattered everyone throughout the world. He also made everyone speak different languages so they wouldn't be able to communicate and find their way back to each other.

A lot of times, I get frustrated with myself when  I fail or don’t give 100% in everything I do. I feel like I’m “sacrificing the gift” (Prefontaine) if I don’t put my entire heart into every moment of life. But I know that perfection is a God-like quality, so I will never achieve it, and there’s no reason to be disappointed with myself for being human. Perfectionism is my attempted "stairway to heaven."

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