Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sodom and Gomorrha

Sodom and Gomorrha were terrible places where all the people were wicked. God came to Abraham and told him that he planned to destroy the cities. However, Abraham begged that God not destroy the cities and insisted that God let Abraham show him that there were still good people in Sodom. God sent angels to Abraham and when the men of Sodom heard of the visitors they insisted that Abraham released the angels so that they could... well you know... The men became wicked and tried to break down Abraham's door. The angels pulled Abraham back inside, shut the door and blinded the men. Abraham was told to leave the city and never look back as it was to be destroyed. As Abraham and his family were leaving the city, his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.

People are unfairly punished all the time. Unfair punishment happens all the time in school when one person cheat, or does something wrong, and the entire class or school is punished. In these instaces all I can ask is why? Why not punish the one individual who deserves the punishment. If KFDSK cheated why should I be punished.

The picture is from Wikipedia of Sodom and Gomorrha being destroyed as Abrahams family leaves.

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