Thursday, October 3, 2013

Noah's Ark, Sharks, Red Giants

The next major story from the Bible starts in Genesis 6 and is the story of Noah's Ark. After many years, God had become dissatisfied with the human race that he created, so he decided to start the world again anew. And thus, he sent a massive flood down onto the Earth. It rained for forty days and for forty nights. But, before this, God commanded Noah to build an ark, a massive vessel that would preserve specimens of each species. He was to take two of every animal, one of each gender, and he took all of his sons into the ark with him before the flood. After the forty day deluge, Noah sent out birds to see if the water was low enough to survive. The day the bird returned, the family and animals all filed out of the ark to see a beautiful rainbow. A symbol of the covenant between God and his creation, that he will never destroy us again.

An animal that fascinated me ever since I was a child was a shark. As stereotypical that is for a boy, they really are interesting creatures. They survive underwater, living on their own body temperature. They have multiple rows of teeth. They have scales that are smooth one way and rough the other. It's scary how dangerous they can be, but really, most shark attacks are because humans look like seals sometimes. Just keep that in mind.

Well fire for sure. The Sun will swell into a red giant in a few million years or billion years and either swallow the planet whole or cook the oceans and ozone layer. But hopefully by that time we have vacated the earth for say, Mars?

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