Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

Apollo and Daphne were both hit with enchanted arrows by the Eros. Apollo's arrow caused him to be infatuated with Daphne while Daphne's arrow caused her to look upon Apollo with disgust. Sidenote- all this happened because Apollo was a horse's behind to Eros, so be nice. Anyway, Daphne fled from Apollo but he chased after. Her distaste was not limited to just Apollo, she was more interested with exploring the woods than with finding a husband. There came a time when Daphne was no longer able to resist Apollo's advances and she cried out to her father, Peneus, to save her. So her dear old dad changed her into a Laurel tree. And yet the enchantment did not break from poor Apollo. He couldn't move on and vowed that the tree's leaves would rest on the heads of victors.

Keeping youthful looks would be great, as would be the energy that is so unfairly awarded to those who know least of what to do with it. If I had it my way, I would like to have a pause button on my body. I would like to mature to to a stage where I am comfortable and press PAUSE and live until I find the never ending youth to be more burdensome than helpful. When the time comes I want death to be a blessed blanket to lay upon my soul and give me rest. Watching the world make mistakes and fumble to fix them for centuries would be heartbreaking and frustrating.

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