Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

One day Apollo (a talented archer) challenged the archery skills of Eros one day. Eros decided to prove his abilities by shooting two arrows. The first arrow was tipped in gold would make the person it hit fill with lust that could not be overcome. The second arrow was tipped in lead and whomever it hit would hate all ideas of love and romance. Eros shot the first arrow at Apollo and the lead one hit Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneus. 

Apollo chased after Daphne but Daphne wanted nothing to do with him. Daphne called out for her father’s help and to help her he turned her into a laurel tree. However, Apollo would not give up on his pursuit and so he climbed the tree and made a wreath out of the leaves of the tree. To this day the laurel tree remains a symbol of Apollo.

I think though eternal youth is nice concept, it would be a horrible thing to have because there are so many restrictions and you would forever be stuck trying to reach for your goals that you would never be able to achieve because of society's restrictions of youth.

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