Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Burghaturven Hein Mazakstin Wot Guberschleigen

SO at this point in the Bible, while the human race has gone through all kinds of molding and junk, we still all speak the same language. Humanity all kind of settles in the same place, called Shinar, and decide, "yo, let's build a HUGE city here! And, and build a giant tower that reaches heaven!" So they get a-buildin', and God decides he should come and check this thing out. Apparently he's pretty impressed with their progress, but then pauses, as he realizes that maaaybe humanity is a little TOO awesome and TOO organized. I guess the reasoning here is that if humans can potentially build a tower to heaven, that might upset the balance of power or something. So God decides to break this up before it gets started, so to keep humans from getting too organized he makes it so that everyone speaks a bunch of different languages, and then kinda spreads them out all across the planet. Now he will never feel threatened again! Muwahahahahaa.

My next language will be the one I used in the title of this post. No, it isn't German. I really just kinda did some keysmashes, and then stuck in and took out some vowels until it looked kinda like something. I plan on inventing an entire language based on edited keysmashes, though. And not Tumblr language either (ex.: "hte fukign!"). Literally no one else will understand what I'm saying, and it'll be great because no one really listens to me anyways, but now I can have fun doing it. For example, in the span of typing this post I have decided that "Burghaturven hein mazakstin wot guberschleigen" means "Help me my house is on fire!" "Burghaturvan" is a command form of the verb help, "hein" means me, "mazak" means house, with the possessive suffix "stin", "wot" is the present-tense form of the verb be, and "guberschleigen" means on fire, or inflamed (it can be used interchangeably to describe rashes, because it's just a great word. I'm proud of that word). I obviously need to hammer out some details, as well as the rest of the dictionary, but sooooon. Soon I will be speaking only in gibberish, and no one will be able to tell the difference!

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