Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tower of Babble

Genesis 11: Everybody decided it would be a cool idea to build a ginormous tower that would connect the people of the earth with the heavens. God was displeased with this idea. Apparently he was afraid speaking one language would allow the people to do anything. Oh, I forgot to mention that they all spoke the same language (an integral part of the story.) Well God decided to scramble up everybody's speech so they had to abandon the project, instead of being patient and learning each other's language; this idea must have dawned on people at a later date.

What could we have created if we all spoke the same language? I mean, we have sent men to the moon, created an atomic bomb, have a computers that fit in the palm of our hands, but what if we been successful in the building the tower? We would probably have flying cars by now. And teleportation machines. And time travel gizmos. All the hardships of learning a language would be eradicated and we could devote that brain juice to solving the truly perplexing things in life.

I know Spanish enough to survive, barely, but I hope to one day learn more Romantic languages. I have heard Italian is not that far off from Spanish, maybe French after that. I really would like to live in Europe one day and I would only benefit from understanding as  many languages as possible. Thankfully though, I know English which is spoken by at least somebody everywhere. Yay for Americanization or is it Westernization.

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