Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tower of Babel

So after the flood a group of people settled into a town and resolved to build a tower that reached up into Heaven. Then God came down and saw that these people had united and had only one language, so he decided to scatter them around the earth, confuse their language, and made it so they could not return to find each other. God thought they had nothing restrained to them because they were so united and strong. I think. This is all very confusing to me, to be honest.

I don't know about you guys, but my stairway to heaven is this:
(I'm still not sorry for my very terrible jokes).

As for my next language, I'd really be up to learning anything. I can speak Spanish to a degree and I know the ASL alphabet and a few other signs, but other than that I only know English. I'd love to learn Russian, Latin, Arabic, German, French, Greek, Italian, and Dutch. I'd also like to become more fluent (if I can call it that) in Spanish and American Sign Language (Can one be fluent in sign language? Is that what it's called? This is a dumb question. I'll stop.) But languages are insanely awesome and I want to be able to switch between speaking English and speaking another language, or be able to think in another language if I get bored of thinking in English, which I already kind of do with Spanish.

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