Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Tower of Babel

Once the people inhabiting Earth were given the ability to speak to one another under one language, they congregated on an eastern plain the will become known as Babylon. They discovered the ability to make buildings out of clay and the built a city. The people of the city then began to build a tower that would reach the heavens. God saw this and scattered the people all across the world, giving them different languages as to confuse them, and the city ceased it's construction.

If I could speak any language in the world, I would definitely learn to speak robot. With technology advancing as fast as it has for centuries, computer technologies would run the world. And what better way to know all of your gizmos and gadgets than to speak their own language. Everyone knows anything electronic has a chance of having bugs or slight defects. And when your whole house is electronic, or when future jobs use top of the line technology, being able to understand it all will make home life easier and possibly less expensive, as well as leads to better jobs.

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