Wednesday, October 23, 2013

love sick puppy and the bush

So Apollo could be a mean god.  He was making fun of Cupid one day, and pushed the archer passed his limit; Cupid had taken enough from Apollo, so much so that he, Cupid, decided to take two of his arrows to teach Apollo a lesson.  One of these arrows sparked love, and the other repelled it.  The arrow that sparked love Cupid shot into Apollo's chest.  The one that repelled love Cupid shot at Apollo's love, the nymph Daphne.  This event caused Apollo to yearn Daphne's company, while Daphne wanted nothing more than to run through the forest forever; she had no need for marriage in her dreams of life.  She enjoyed the chase.  Apollo tried to woo her into submission, but Daphne kept running.  As she became weaker from fatigue, she cried out to the gods, asking for a way out of this chase.  And boy, did they give her one!  She stopped stiff, literally.  She was morphing into a laurel bush.  Apollo took branches from this bush to weave around his harp and bow, and to wear on his head in show of victory.  And as he had eternal youth, so would she; she would always be green and leafy.

from nymph

to bush

I would not want to be "young" forever, if young means younger than an adult.  There is too much conflict as a teenager, even if it's just the confusion of not being a child nor an adult and not having an easily understood set of rules to live by and ways to act.  I would much rather keep an appearance of myself in my twenties, keeping physical agility of myself as a middle school volleyball player, and the mental maturity and wisdom of a person in my forties or fifties.  I don't want to necessarily stop maturing in any of the forms, but it would be pretty cool if I could slow the processes of aging.

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