Monday, October 21, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

What happened here was that Apollo got a big head and made fun of the god of Love. So the god of love, Eros, decided to get back at him and shot him with an arrow. Apollo then fell in love with Daphne, a nymph. The punishment itself was that Daphne was. Shot with an arrow so that she would never fall for Apollo. Apollo didn't seem to like that so he chased her (like actually went after her hoping that she would say yes to marrying him) and (smart girl) she said no each time. Eventually she got tired of running and so she turned to her father, Peneus, for help. And that's how she became a laurel tree. Apollo didn't want to give up even then, and ended up making himself a laurel wreath just to wrap up the creepy. 

Given the choice, many people would stay young forever. And I don't blame them, being young can be great for a lot of people. But I think that to be stuck young forever would be just that- it's getting stuck. The fun would be gone after a while and though some of us dread any change whatsoever, we often don't realize that we need change to keep us in check. 

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