Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Tower of Babel

The story of the Tower of Babel tells the story of how different languages came to be. I love languages, absolutely love them. I love being able to communicate past language barriers so I think it's kind of funny that the Bible Story tells of God creating languages to create one. Before this, everyone in the entire world spoke the same language which made communication super easy for everyone which was all great until the people set out to to build a "stairway to Heaven" and that wasn't really cool with God because He knew that in the end it would only push them farther away from Him. So He confused their language to make it so that they couldn't finish their work. And ta-da, that's where different languages originated. 

Like I mentioned earlier (and like I'm sure most of you know) I love languages. My mentoring project is learning American Sign Language (ASL) and I am really enjoying all the work I'm putting towards it. It's been different learning a visual language, you have to approach it differently than an oral one, so it's been interesting. If it were up to me I would learn all the languages (except maybe Italian- I tried that and thought it was an ugly language.) I hope to one day learn Bulgarian, I freak out every time I hear Lusi on the phone with her parents. So there's that language. I also want to learn German and Portuguese and Polish and some Indian dialects and Arabic. Portuguese is most likely going to be my next language but I don't even know. I just want to learn all of them. I realize that's unrealistic but I can't help myself. I just want at least a couple more before I die. 

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