Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

Apollo decided to be a jerk one day and make fun of Eros. As payback, Eros used an arrow to make Apollo fall in love with a nymph named Daphne. He then shot Daphne with an “anti-arrow” to make it impossible for her to love Apollo back. Apollo chased Daphne around, but she became scared of him and her father, Peneus, turned her into a laurel tree to keep her safe. Apollo created a laurel wreath out of her leaves, and it became a great honor to receive the laurel wreath for years to come. In addition, he blessed the laurel tree so that it would always remain youthful.

Youth is exciting and terrifying and wonderful and awful, but it only happens once. It’s an experience that every person needs to have to be prepared for the rest of life, but it doesn't need to be prolonged past its natural end. A youthful mindset is great to keep for all of life, but physical youth or an immature social state doesn't need to be present to still be vibrant, open-minded, and carefree. In fact, trying too hard to be young is rather gross. Parents who try to dress their kid’s age…bad decision. 

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