Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Arrows, treehuggers and life.

Apollo thought that he was the best of the best. One day, he challenged Cupid, claiming that Cupid did not deserve to use arrows and that arrows should be left for strong men like himself. Cupid was angered by Apollo's attitude and came up with a wonderful plot to get back at him. Cupid made two arrows: one forced a person to fall easily in love and another forced a person to repel love. The arrow causing unconditional love was shot at Apollo and the one repelling love was shot at the beautiful lymph Daphne. Apollo fell madly in love with Daphne thanks to Cupid's arrow; however, she repelled his love for the same reason. Apollo chased her to the point that Daphne asked how she could avoid him and was turned into a tree. A tree that Apollo would claim as his. This clearly got back at Apollo because now, all Apollo can think about is his love for this tree.

Eternal youth is difficult to form an opinion on. On one side, you have forever to do whatever you want. On the other, you never grow older. I don't know about other people; but, I personally do not want to stay 17 forever. I look forward to my wedding day, hold my children, and growing old with someone I love. Sure, that sounds cheesy. But, imagine staying 17 forever. Acne, puberty, stupid drama, school, and all the negatives of being a teen stay with you forever. Yes, you are carefree about work and taxes.. but, shouldn't we all grow up. Of course, there is also the fact that if we all lived forever, the world would have become overcrowded years ago! I look forward to the next 80 or so years of my life. I would not want to stay in high school or stay young forever. We are all supposed to grow older, it is a part of the natural cycle of life.

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