Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jacob E-saw his chance and he took it!!

So Isaac wanted some kids, and his wife hadn't had any yet, so he prayed to God and He granted him to sons, twins.  They kicked a lot, so Rebekah asked God why.  He told her that the boys would grow up to be great nations, but one would be stronger than the other, and the oldest would serve the youngest.  The firstborn was really hairy, so they named him Esau.  The second came out holding Esau's heel, so they named him Jacob.  Isaac liked Esau the best, and Rebekah liked Jacob the best.  One day, after Esau had been hunting with all of that skill of his, he came to the house, starving.  He asked Jacob for some of his soup.  Before Jacob offered him any, he demanded that Esau swear over to Jacob his birthright.  So he did.  As Isaac grew older, his eyesight was failing, and he wanted to bless Esau and eat one last awesome piece of game.  Isaac went out hunting, and Rebekah saw her opportunity to better of Jacob's lot.  She told him to go get two goats so she could cook them up just the way Isaac liked them, and then he would bless his son.  Jacob wanted to make sure that he wouldn't end up cursing himself by getting caught, but Mommy dearest reassured him.  So Jacob did as he was told.  He gave Isaac the food, and his dad wanted to make sure he was Esau.  Jacob lied with his hairy hands, and received Esau's rightful blessing.  Esau was pissed.

Talking about a birthright is hard.  I don't really inherit anything from my parents; they want me to earn or buy everything on my own.  I may get the houses if they die?  I don't know what their plans are on that.  (And for those that don't know, we currently own two houses because we moved across town last Christmas.  We eventually want to sell the old house.)  I guess I get the birthright of bragging, or getting everything first, like Evan said.

If I did inherit a car, I would either get a dying P.T. Cruiser (the engine keeps overheating) or a town & country minivan.
Chrysler PT Cruiser photo 01


I really hate the "white gold" color.  I mean COME ON.  That is clearly gold.  There isn't anything white about it.

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