Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's not John Hancock, it's HERBIE Hancock

I've had this book in my backpack for a couple of days now. Picked it up a few times, maybe more than that. Laughed out loud, probably more than I expected. You are familiar with this book, The Importance of Being Earnest. Surprisingly I found it pretty funny. I laughed at most places when others didn't and when the majority was laughing I tended not to be. The parts I found funniest were the blatantly absurd and ridiculous moments. In act three, 73-75, when Lady Bracknell obviously just doesn't approve of Cecily and has no interest in her dear Algy marrying Cecily but then she learns of Cecilys wealth and all of a sudden Cecily seems much more appealing. Cecily becomes a beautiful and "sweet child". I just found this scene funny because it's just so ridiculous.
Also, one of Algernons first lines when he says "And, speaking of the science of Life, have you got the cucumber sandwiches cut for Lady Bracknell?" makes me laugh. It seems just as ridiculous as the previous scene I described. I just makes me laugh because goofy Algy cucumber sandwiches are not related to the science of life at all.

Comedy is one of the biggest aspects of my life. I appreciate well written and thought out comedy. I considered being a comedian once and realized how smart and thought provoking it is to write a joke. It's one thing to be funny in conversation, which I consider myself to be, but to make previous plans and be the only one on stage talking. Now that, that is pure talent.
Aside from all that, I also find some of the dumbest things funny and tend to laugh hysterically at the things not many other people do. I have found some of the things that make me laugh the most are things that are relate-able.
Comedies are my favorite TV shows. Scrubs I consider to be a comedy even though it has its touching and deep moments. SNL has been a regular watch for me since I can remember. I watch almost every episode but to be honest I rarely laugh out loud. I love it and appreciate it but I watch it and evaluate at the same time. Although, Weekend Update always makes laugh. It's a classic.
Arrested Development is another show that just amazes me. I mean every line is as witty as the next. My mouth just drops in amazement at how intelligent, witty and talented the people are that write the show.
The Lonely Island is a music group that creates funny, sometimes satirical, songs. The songs take talent to write but when listening to their songs I laugh out loud more because it doesn't require as much thought.
I like though provoking comedy and will always have mad respect for comedians but I also enjoy the comedy that doesn't turn as may wheels in your brain.
TV shows not mentioned: HIMYM, Drunk History(which started out on Funny or Die), Always Sunny in Philly, Cougar Town, Friends(classic). I also enjoy scanning reddit because it has some pretty funny posts under pics.
Chris Farley is my favorite of everything. I am proud to say we were both on this planet at the same time for almost two years, quite an accomplishment I must say. The movie Tommy Boy, came out the year I was born(whoop!), never fails to make me laugh. I generally describe it as 'beautiful' while wearing my Callahan Auto Parts shirt. My title makes a reference to the movie. Whether you get the reference or not, go watch it.
(Sorry for the Harry Potter[what my friends say in reference to a really long text] but I just have a lot to say about comedy.)

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