Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Important: Be Earnest

I discovered today that not everyone finds The Importance of Being Earnest as funny as I do. That being said, I find it hilarious. My absolute favorite scene thus far is where Lady Bracknell is questioning Jack about his entire life story and his family tree. When Jack mentions that he was found in a hand- bag, Lady Bracknell replies that she and her husband wouldn’t “dream of allowing [their] only daughter-- a girl brought up with utmost care-- to marry into a cloak-room, and form an alliance with a parcel.” Her reaction alone cracked me up, but then she (I should probably say “he” because Oscar Wilde wrote it… but Lady Bracknell said it…) had to go and make the pun at the end…

I live for puns. I love having to make the connections and for some reason, this is the humor that leaves me out of breath and with my stomach aching. Puns are fun. They make me think and they are too clever not to be appreciated. My favorite puns are those that include multiple languages because my mind doesn’t work in a single language. (i.e. “I love you” “Si, hay labio, hay nariz, hay ojos.”) And no one got that, but that’s okay. Puns are fun.

P.S. I am sorry for whoever has to respond to this. My thoughts are all over the place and I find humor in the silliest of things. I hope you have a wonderful day though!

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