Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blog Number Thirteen - Jacob and Esau

Long story short there were these two brothers born to Isaac and Rebekah. They were twins but Esau was the eldest and thus inherited the birthright. This meant that his descendant would be the Messiah. Esau was a hunter while Jacob was a shepherd. Isaac preferred Esau over Jacob whereas Rebekah was the opposite. One day Esau came back and demanded Jacob to bring him some stew. Jacob told him to give him the birthright first. Irritated, Esau immediately sold his birthright and enjoyed the stew. Isaac, who was at the brink of death, called for Esau so he could bless him. He had lost most of hi vision by this time so he relied on touch and smell. Rebekah told Jacob to dress like Esau so Isaac would bless him. He did so and he got the blessing. Esau was enraged when he heard this and begged his father to bless him too. But it was too late, because he had sold his birthright to his brother for some stew.,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNGmE5VkNU7N4-r7ccutGMaowZHrPg&ust=1386005038014713

I'm the youngest so I don't exactly know what my birthright is. Maybe I don't have one. Maybe I do. I should ask my parents. I think there is some preference to sons instead of daughters in the Japanese culture. My dad seems to check up on brothers' grades, schoolwork, college stuff, etc. more than he has on my sister or me. Not that I really mind. Well sometimes I do since he has that "women belong in the house" attitude at times, but then again he doesn't push me at schoolwork like he did with my bros. Or maybe the girls are just more reliable and capable of doing schoolwork independently. Who knows? Okay, so I'm digressing from the topic at hand. Yeah... I don't know about my birthright. Do I get spoiled more? Is that my birthright? It's a very difficult question to answer since I don't know much about it. I'm not sure if they left me anything in their will. I don't know if they have a will. This is awkward. Let's pretend I didn't say that. :|

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