Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Odysseus and the Trojan Horse

Odysseus and the Trojan Horse is your basic story showcasing a character's slick-ness. In the Trojan wars between the Greeks and the Trojans, Odysseus comes with the amazing idea of a wooden horse as a mechanism to invade Troy, as it is protected by walls. The horse would contain all but one person, who acts as a sort of "decoy" or traitor to the Greek military in order to convince the Trojans to bring in the horse, as it is a gift from the Greeks for the gods. The Greeks agree on the plan with Odysseus and everything goes well. The Trojans get so drunk from celebrating that after they bring in the horse, the Greeks jump out and successfully massacre the Trojans and enslave the women and children.

My dream journey would be to explore in either Italy, France, or Spain. While in any of these places, I could learn (or perfect) a romance language, interact with a new culture, and experience new things in life that I wouldn't be able to do normally in Lexington. I've never been outside of the country before and it would be a great experience to finally leave the US and go explore somewhere that's not familiar. While I definitely wouldn't need a Trojan horse in order to check this endeavor off my bucket list, it would take an arm and leg to get it done, but I believe that it would be worth it.

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