Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Make-up blog: Echo and Narcissus

Long, twisting story time~! As is common knowledge, Zeus had lots and lots of affairs. For a while he got away with them by convincing Echo, a young Nymph with a beautiful voice, to distract his wife Hera with stories while Zeus went off to bang all sorts of things. Eventually Hera found out and punished Echo by making it so that she could only repeat the last things anyone said (hence, echo). As she was wandering around depressed in the woods, she came across a beautiful, vain young man named Narcissus. She fell in love with him, but could not seduce him because she could only echo him. He rejected her, and she left to mourn, withering away to nothing but a voice. Now, Narcissus had a history of breaking hearts, since he couldn't seem to love anyone. One of his rejected male suitors (hehe, silly gay Greeks) begged the gods to punish Narcissus and then killed himself. Artemis decided to take action and laid a curse on Narcissus that he should fall in love with himself. When Narcissus bent over a clear stream to fetch some water, he saw himself for the first time and fell in love. Yet he could never be with his reflection, and it anguished him. Eventually he too killed himself, and from his blood sprouted a narcissus flower.

Naming a narcissistic person that I abhor is actually kind of difficult... I know plenty of people who are completely full of themselves, but almost all of them are either students or faculty at Henry Clay and therefore I feel like I shouldn't call them out. Am I allowed to point a finger at a horrible celebrity? Because in case you haven't been paying much attention to him lately, Justin Beiber has devolved into a complete scumbag. He makes his bodyguards carry him on their shoulders, sitting like he's on a throne. He visited Anne Frank's monument in Europe and made a statement that he wished she could be alive today so that she could be his fan. He struts around with his shirt unbuttoned and tries to seduce female celebrities because he thinks he's irresistible. But unlike Narcissus, no one in his social circle likes him. At all. I would wish that there was a goddess around to curse him into loving himself, but he already does love himself way too much. He'd probably just try to hit on Artemis.

Narcissus and that fab reflection. Don't know what all the fuss is about. He's kinda average-looking.

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