Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Echo (ECHO ECho echo) and Narcissus (I Love Me)

Well looky there. Another heartbroken girl and a self absorbed man. The beautiful nymph Echo, the girl in the story, was known to distract Hera while Zeus went sleeping around with other nymphs. However, Hera isn't completely dumb and figures out the trick. She punishes Echo (even though it was really Zeus she should be punishing), taking away her own voice and only let her repeat the voice of another being. Poor helpless Echo fell head over heels for Narcissus, the son of a river god and nymph. Narcissus was stunning, but his father listened to a prophet and hid Narcissus' reflection from himself. By an early teen, Narcissus had broken and shattered many hearts and hated the idea of romance. One day, Echo was being stalkerish and followed Narcissus into the woods where she revealed herself. Vain Narcissus turned her down and told her to get lost, breaking Echo's heart and letting her rot away until only her voice was left. Later, Narcissus gave a sword to an admirer and asked him to show his love. The admirer killed himself, but cursed Narcissus before he died. Artemis heard the plea and made it so Narcissus fell in love with his own unreachable reflection. Driven mad by his longing, vain Narcissus eventually killed himself and where he died, a narcissus flower sprung up next the pond.

I don't know anyone enough to say that they are narcissistic, but I would despise the person eventually telling them to get lost because sometimes its monstrously better to care for others bringing benefits for yourself manifold. As an altruistic person I admire, I admire my dad. He gives so much of his time helping others. He maintains the aging buildings of my church (without pay might I add). He continuously helps me with my homework even if I am being a bit stubborn. He gave so much time to make sure his parents were happy and were doing well in their life, that it was a habit to call his dad at least 3 times a week, so when his father died, he found himself wanting to call his dad. He participates in every mission trip where his building skills come in handy leading the group. My dad never asks for anything. He is the HARDEST person to shop for because he always says that my mom and I are his gifts... GAHHHH! Its kind of him, but still he will somehow find the perfect gift for my mom and me creating a rather nice? conundrum.

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