Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let's go on a trip!

So Jason wants the crown, but before he can have it he has to go on this journey to get a golden fleece that isn't his.  He gets this awesome ship built and enlists Hercules and some other cool peeps to go with him.  So he goes through some shtuff to get to the kingdom where the fleece is, and when he gets there, the king makes a horrible deal with him where Jason basically has to die to get the fleece.  So, being the smart guy he is, he woos the King's daughter and marries her before some goddess that gives him some charms to protect him from he fire breathing bulls and the dragons and the army he will literally grow.  So he defeats everything, married the girl, gets the fleece, and knocks some socks off of everyone around him because he is so cool.

I don't know if he married the girl because he really loved her or if he just wanted protection to get the fleece.  And that pisses me off because one way, he's an all around hero, and the other, he's a selfish jerk who just wants everything ever.  And revenge is, most of the time, the worst thing we could seek after.  Take any greek/roman god or goddess ever.  They end up screwing everything up just because they're mad.  Wrong decision!

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