Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Number Eleven - Abraham and Isaac

Abraham was very faithful to God. In fact, in the Genesis account, God calls Abraham his friend. He promised Abraham that he would multiply his seed, but Sarah had been barren for about 90 years. One day, three angels visited Abraham and Sarah and told them that they would have a son. Sarah laughed at this and was scolded for not having faith in God's promise. She ended up having a son called Isaac. When Isaac grew up, God told Abraham to take him up to the mountain, build an altar, and sacrifice him. Abraham fully trusted in God, believing that he had a reason for this. He bounded Isaac's hands and feet and placed upon the altar. Just as he was about to kill him, a voice from heaven stopped Abraham. God complimented Abraham for his unwavering faith in him. A sheep appeared in the bushes, and Abraham was told to sacrifice the sheep instead.

I don't know what to write about a true sacrifice, so I'll just wing it like I usually do. If I were in Abraham's shoes I probably wouldn't be able to sacrifice my own son. Especially if he was my only child. But then again, Abraham had outstanding faith in God, so whatever. A true sacrifice from me would be if I'm willing to give up my time for you. I mean we only have 24 hours in a day. I rarely get time to relax or spend time alone, so if I give up my free time for you, then I must like you a whole lot.

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