Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jason and the Golden Fleece

So pretty much there was this skin of a golden ram stashed back in the end of the grove and it was guarded by a scary dragon for safekeeping, and if that wasn't enough, it was put at the far end of the earth. Well Jason decides to try to get the fleece because he was given the responsibility to do so; luckily for him, a bunch of other past heroes decided to help out.
All these heroes are called the "Argonauts" because they sailed on a ship named the Argo. (what a concept...) After a long journey the King's daughter, Medea decided to help by drugging the dragon so that Jason and the Argonauts could get the fleece. After they got the fleece the Argonauts and Jason fled and circled Europe ending up back at Greece.
A while later, Jason practically dumped Medea and in revenge, she murdered their children (seems a little extreme, I mean what did the kids do wrong???). If that isn't enough, she tempted Argo to sleep in the shade of the old ship and it fell on him and killed him.

Revenge in terms of love normally escalates really quickly and that is why its so dangerous. I mean here Medea is dumped and so she decides to kill all her family to make Jason pay.....seems like a little much.....I honestly can't think of any stories I have read lately where this is apparent, but I do know that whenever Love and Revenge are present in the same story, it is not going to have an easy resolution.

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