Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Jason and the Golden Fleece

The golden fleece was the skin of a golden ram which hung in a sacred grove, guarded by a dragon, at the far end of the earth. Jason was given the task of winning the fleece with the aid of the other the celebrated Greek heroes of the past. These fifty heroes were called the Argonauts, because they sailed with Jason in the ship Argo. After many adventures they reached the land of the fleece; and here Jason was aided by the king's daughter, Medea, who was a mighty sorceress. She drugged the dragon, so that she and Jason escaped with the treasured prize. Being pursued by Medea's father and his followers, the heroes fled in the Argo and sailed onward. They kept following the coast-line, until at length they encircled the world, that is, the world of Europe as the ancients knew it, and in this manner got back to Greece, having been the first men to see all the wonders of the world. Later, Jason deserted Medea, and she in revenge killed their children. In revenge, she persuaded him to sleep under the shade of the old, rotting hull of the Argo, so that its timbers fell on him, and the ship which had been his glory caused his death.
Revenge is a terrible. Instead of having to get back at someone when something goes wrong why can't we just move past it. Well clearly, we are not the easily forgiving/ forgetting type of people if we resort to revenge. Jason deserts Medea... so she kills their children. Its not like the children were just Jason's. Medea was these children's mother and she killed them to get back at Jason. That is pretty terrible.. Letting what happened between two people destroy the lives of some innocent children. But, why is it that we cant just forgive and forget? Well, revenge and hatred is sometimes easier for us to handle then love and forgiveness.

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