Thursday, March 13, 2014

Smell the Roses / Tick-Tock Goes the Clock (Villanelle) by Me

I decided to write a sestina because first of all, my villanelle is kind of random and not how I wanted it to go, and secondly, its hard to compare sestina's when I didn't write one. I personally made this one about spring having just listened to the warm weather that is coming this weekend (maybe it is finally spring?)! One of my favorite flowers is the rose because it reminds me of many different things including the pain that one goes through for a memorable and wondrous achievement is all worth it and they smell really fresh and rosy (how else to describe the smell?).

Tick-Tock goes the clock
Keeping time more and more.
Time is ever present just like Bach.

Through memories long and short
We compose melodies that open many different doors.
Tick-Tock goes the clock.

Some of life’s missions we need to abort.
Some of life’s missions build us from the core.
Time is ever present just like Bach.

Time is like an aging port
That swells and falls just like calm waves on the shore.
Tick-Tock goes the clock.

It’s as annoying as a wart,
But yet as mystical as a lore.
Time is ever present just like Bach.

How does one understand the tick of the tock
When it bobs just like a tethered dock?
Tick-Tock goes the clock.
Time is ever present just like Bach.

Smell the Roses

Can you smell the roses?
They bloom in the spring
vibrant colors burst
out covering the green
grass that is sprouting from the needy ground.

When we fall, the welcoming ground
catches us if we fall back into the roses.
They tend to be sprouting in the arm spring
rain that trickles over green
moss covered rocks bursting

out in bubbles. Each drop bursts
as it falls to the thirsty ground
making the grass green
again, just to support the growing roses
that will soon spring
 forth from the sprouting

garden. Roses that sprout
form the bursting
earth - spring revives. The ground
supports the roses that
will compose the green

blanket covering our weathered earth in the spring.
Each green
thing that the ground
is bursting
with joy to see the hopeful color of the roses.

No matter when the ground sprouts
a green spring
The bursting color of the roses will cover the dying winter.

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