Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ale 8 Sestina

I have an addiction.
It’s the sound of an opening pop
and the cool ginger fizz of an Ale 8.
The glass bottle
makes a homey decoration, too.
I have a 6-pack in my fridge, just sitting there.

But I’ll have to leave it there.
I have to leave my addiction
and my stuffed animals, too.
It’ll be the beginning of something new, a pop
of color on an old canvas. The green glass bottle
will only hold the sweet fizzing memories of an Ale 8.

I’m gonna miss it, the refreshing taste of an Ale 8.
It’s tingle hits just the right spot. Right there
on the back of your tongue. I’ll have to bottle
it up in my thoughts. Its good to flee from an addiction,
right? You’re free. You pop
out of your old self and into someone new, too.

I can’t bring everything to
wherever I go. I can’t bring Ale 8
onto a plane, but perhaps on a train. But my soda pop
will be in my fridge, waiting for me there.
Besides, my lack of that addiction
can bring a new memory to be held in a new bottle.

It’ll be shiny. It’ll be beautiful. A glass bottle
full of bubbling laughter to
create a brand new addiction.
But nothing can replace a trusty Ale 8.
It’ll be waiting there
for me at home, to open it up and hear the pop.

The resounding ring of that pop
marks the sound of an open bottle.
Only at home can you drink it. There
is your quiddity, your haecceity, so what brings you to
want to, to dream of, replacing your Ale 8?
You never really can lose an addiction.

Its time to leave the soda pop behind you.
To leave the green glass bottle, holding your addiction.

But the cool ginger fizz of an Ale 8 will always be there in your home.

For my revisions I fixed an enjambment that broke up the sestina format. I also changed/added a few words to evoke more imagery within the sestina as well as a couple places where the thoughts didn't completely run together.

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