Thursday, March 20, 2014

Midas and the Golden Touch

There was Midas. Midas was a king. One day his guards found a satyr napping in Midas' garden and brought the creature back to the king. Midas immediately recognized the satyr as Dionysus' right hand 'man' and let him go. Silenus, the satyr, was very grateful and so was Dionysus and so Midas received a wish of his choice.
 Midas said "I want to turn things to gold with my touch."
"You sure about that, man?" Dionysus asked, carefully.
"Of course!"
"Ok, well, if you insist." And with that Dionysus granted Midas his wish.
Midas tried out his new party trick on a few household items and wanted to show his daughter. But upon touching her, she too turned to gold. Whoops. The problems on escalated from there. Midas could not eat because the food would turn to gold before he got the chance to ingest them.
"Dionysus, help!"
"I figured you would be calling me back sooner or later. Its not a big deal. Just go wash in the Pactolus river and everything will be back to normal." Dionysus seems like an upstanding guy.

Why do people even like gold? I honestly have never understood the allure. Personally, I prefer silver. So much more chic. I suppose the luster of gold is rather entrancing; in comparison to silver it is fullerbodied but still. I don't get it. The 90s are over people; put the gold away. Even wedding rings are iffy. I want a sleek silver band, absolutely no gold. Gold and black can occasionally look good together but it takes talent to pull it off. Once again, not a fan of gold.

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