Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Most Boring Poem Ever

You think I have time to write this?
Really, that's insane.
I have too many tasks to check
Off my list. It's a never-ending list, at that.
Writing a poem like this is not
Ideal. This enjambment is the

Only thing keeping me alive. The
Whole poem is going to go like this.
I swear, I can write better than is, not
That this isn't impressive. It's pretty insane,
If you ask me. I can hardly believe that
I've gotten this far. Hey! Check

Me out! New stanza, here we go. Check
That off my list.  I'm dreading the
Rest of this poem and the lines that
Follow this.
Did you like that short, insane
Line? It does not

Belong there. But who cares?! Not
I. By the way, that was correct grammar. Check
With your teacher if you don't believe me. Insane,
Right? Wow, these lines are the
Longest lines so far. This
Is the poem that

Has lasted forever. Hey! That
Sentence lasted three whole lines. Not
That that's very exciting for you. In fact, this
Poem is probably the most boring poem ever. Check
The Guinness World Records soon. "The
Most Boring Poem Ever." Insane

Title, right? Totally insane.
It's one of those things that
I'm going to be proud of in the
Future. Not that I'm not
Proud right now! Check
On me in a few days and I'll still be proud. This

Poem is the insane pinnacle of my English career. Not
Even joking about that.  I deserve a big fat check
For writing The Most Boring Poem Ever.  Boy, am I glad to be done with this!

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