Tuesday, November 19, 2013


In the story of Jason and the golden fleece, we get some background first. Jason's father is King, but his brother really wants the throne, so he usurps the throne, and plots to kill baby Jason. But Jason's mom pulls a fast one, and pretends that he died during birth, when really he gets sent into the woods under the protection of the half horse half human thing. So Jason grows up, and goes back to kick his uncle's butt out the kingdom. However, he is challenged with the task of finding the Golden fleece, which I assume is a pretty daunting task, because he went through some real tough stuff. So he goes off, and with some MAJOR help from his lover Medea, he gets the fleece, comes back,  his uncle gets chopped up, and his father comes back to life as king. He and Medea have kids but then he kicks her out because he wants to marry some other chick, which is a serious jerk move on his part.

First of all, this story is eternal, and was the most difficult for me to get through out of all the reading so far. It is a super entertaining story, but I'm not sure how much it has to offer in terms of significance or alternative meaning. To me, it is just a method of entertaining an audience with a classic adventure story where Jason wins in the end. The only twist was that at the end, our hero becomes a real jerk, and we all hate Jason now. 

As for stories of love and revenge, yeah, they are cool... I don't personally know any from real life, or at least no story that consists of both love and revenge. However, as I was discussing at lunch, today, I do enjoy a lot of chick flicks that apparently as a male, I am not supposed to enjoy. Whatever. In my personal favorite chick flick, Safe Haven, there is obviously lots of love because thats what chicks dig. But the element of revenge also comes in when her ex hubby comes in and tries to kill her kids and ends up burning her house down with all kinds of memorabilia and other important symbols in it. And then we find out that her friend is actually the ghost of her now-husbands old wife who died of cancer. Major plot twist there, it definitely threw me for a loop.

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