Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Jason and the Golden Fleece

Jason was the son of King Aeson, who's throne was so rudely usurped by his brother. In order to protect Jason, he was sent off to live with another king until he was old enough to come back and retrieve some special items. When  he came back, however, his uncle agreed to hand over the kingdom only if Jason went on a treacherous journey to collect golden fleece from Colchis. Jason accepted the challenge and embarked on the mission on a boat called the Argo, along with some Argonauts.
In order to get to the fleece, Jason and the Argonauts first had to pass through the Blue Islands, which collided into each other whenever boats passed through, killing all the people aboard. To test it, Jason sent a bird to fly through and upon the realization that the bird made it all the way through except for its tail-feathers, he sent the boat safely through the islands.
When they reached Colchis, Jason asked the King for the Golden Fleece. The King did not refuse, but required some conditions. Jason had to yoke a pair of fire-breathing bulls with brass feet, and use them to plough a field which he would then sow with dragon's teeth. Everyone knew that these teeth would immediately grow into warriors that would turn on whoever seeded them.
Jason had attracted the attention of Medea, the daughter of the king of Colchis. She offered her gift of magic to help him, along with some conditions of her own . With the help of her magic, he was able to tame the bulls and plough the field. When the dragon's teeth grew into hostile warriors, he threw a magic stone among them, so that they turned against each other and fought until they were all dead. Medea took care of the dragon by basically drugging it so Jason could retrieve the golden fleece.
When it comes to stories of love and revenge, the one thing that pops to my mind is my obsession, the show Scandal. For the love part, of course I'm talking about the affair between the president of the US and DC lawyer Olivia Pope. They are so in love with each other but can't go on with their relationship as they'd like because for one, he's the president of the United States, and two, he's married to Millie. Millie plays into the revenge part, because after she finds out about her husband's affair, she sends multiple threats to the president about how she knows and how she will tell the public (although the secret affair hasn't gotten out... yet).

Jason and his golden fleece.

Cool summary and analysis. http://mmtaylor.net/Holiday2000/Legends/Jason.html

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