Saturday, November 30, 2013
Esau became a hunter while Jacob became a farmer. One day, Esau came to Jacob after a tough day, tired and hungry. Esau asked Jacob for the red soup Jacob had prepared, and Jacob demanded that Esau promise Jacob his birthright as eldest son in return for the soup. Esau did so, thus demonstrating how little he cared about his birthright.
Birthrights are a really tough issue, in my view. On one hand, I think parents have the right to work to advance the status of their children, and that they should be able to use their resources to help their kids. But on the other hand, children have done nothing to earn their particular situations. As an American white male born to educated, upper/middle class parents, I've benefited immensely from circumstances resulting from pure chance. That may not be inherently troubling, but had I been born into a really tough situation, the injustice would be even clearer.
I don't know the answer to this question--is inheritance just? The policy implications are significant--private education, estate taxes, social welfare, immigration, etc.--so the question is important. I think at a base level, my birthright--that which is owed to me--should be the same as the birthright of any other human being, which I'd likely term human rights. But given my particular status and situation, my birthright exceeds that minimum threshold in social, economic, and legal terms, but likely not in moral ones.
There's been loads of work done on this issue, and I've not read much of it, but Rawls' theories of justice--especially veil of ignorance--seem relevant. General lottery of birth info, though limited, is available here:
One of a number of thought provoking ads available on this site (source):
Also, let's avoid the use of the term "first world problems." Here's why:
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Athamus and Io take Phrixus to the sacrificial altar. Just before they kill him a ram with fleece of gold take him and his sister. The ram is sent by Nephele's prayers.
The ram takes the children across the water from Europe and Asia and the sister slips and drowns. Phrixus makes it safely, scarifies the ram and gives it to King Etes.
Meanwhile, Pelias stole the crown from his brother. Pelias is told by an oracle to be wary of a man wearing one sandal. Jasons, the kings nephew, comes into town wearing one sandal. He came to claim his "rightful" place as king. Pelias says he can have the throne if he would get the golden fleece.
After a long journey and battle Jason finally reaches King Etes.
Hera and Aphrodite are going to make Cupid make King Etes's daughter, Medea, fall in love with Jason. Jason then asks Etes for the fleece but fiest Jason must plow a field of dragon's teeth. Jason agrees even though he is sure he will die in the process. But thanks to cupid, Medea gives Jason a potion to make him invincible for one day. Also she suggests throwing a rock in the middle of the men because they will kill each other.
Even though Jason is victorious, the King will still not give him the fleece. He wants to kill Jason, but Medea takes him to the fleece, charms the serpent guarding it and goes with Jason back home.
On their way home Medea kills her brother, she thinks to protect Jason. When they get to Greece she has King Pelias killed by his daughters. Jason marries someone else and Medea is so angry that she kills the bride and her own sons fathered by Jason.
I don't really have anything specific come to mind when I think of 'love and revenge'. I don't watch love movies, I want to laugh when I watch a movie. I don't listen too many songs of that nature because I like to relate to the music I listen to and I've never been in love. I guess what I think about is how I doubt I would ever get revenge on someone based on love. I just don't see it in my personality. But I can't say for sure.
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Love and revenge make for the best type of stories. This may be because we are really horrible people who find revenge entertaining. Or it could be that we are probably pretty good people and it is fun to hear the stories of what we sometimes feel like doing, but know we should not.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Let's go on a trip!
So Jason wants the crown, but before he can have it he has to go on this journey to get a golden fleece that isn't his. He gets this awesome ship built and enlists Hercules and some other cool peeps to go with him. So he goes through some shtuff to get to the kingdom where the fleece is, and when he gets there, the king makes a horrible deal with him where Jason basically has to die to get the fleece. So, being the smart guy he is, he woos the King's daughter and marries her before some goddess that gives him some charms to protect him from he fire breathing bulls and the dragons and the army he will literally grow. So he defeats everything, married the girl, gets the fleece, and knocks some socks off of everyone around him because he is so cool.
I don't know if he married the girl because he really loved her or if he just wanted protection to get the fleece. And that pisses me off because one way, he's an all around hero, and the other, he's a selfish jerk who just wants everything ever. And revenge is, most of the time, the worst thing we could seek after. Take any greek/roman god or goddess ever. They end up screwing everything up just because they're mad. Wrong decision!
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Revenge is a terrible. Instead of having to get back at someone when something goes wrong why can't we just move past it. Well clearly, we are not the easily forgiving/ forgetting type of people if we resort to revenge. Jason deserts Medea... so she kills their children. Its not like the children were just Jason's. Medea was these children's mother and she killed them to get back at Jason. That is pretty terrible.. Letting what happened between two people destroy the lives of some innocent children. But, why is it that we cant just forgive and forget? Well, revenge and hatred is sometimes easier for us to handle then love and forgiveness.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Jason and the Golden Fleece
This is a pretty kickass story about revenge. Uh...a story about love..>MOULIN ROUGE!! Yes. Moulin ROuge. It can be about revenge too I think. YEAH IT CAN!!! There's this crazy ass dude named the Duke who is obsessed with the courtesan Satine. Satine is in love with Christian who is a penniless writer and loves Satine back. Satine works at the Moulin Rouge as a courtesan (as I already said) and can't fall in love. She has to love the Duke so he will supply the Moulin Rouge with money or something like that.
(shhh pretend it's not a crappy video)
*violent sobbing* listen to my heaaaart can u hear it sing come back to me and FORGIIIIIVE EVERYTHIIING *breaths*
i'm tearing up watching this oh god no nononno no no
i love this movie so much i'm sry ok i must go before i begin sobbing goodbye
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Jason wanted to be king, so he jumped on a boat, Argo, with some other Argonauts and travelled the treacherous seas to find golden fleece. He finally reaches the location of June fleece but then has to fight for it. So Aphrodite helps him out and gives him a woman, Medea, who is falling all over him. She helps him through two really tough obstacles to win the fleece. But then Aetes decides he still wants to kill Jason. So then Medea and Jason scurry back to Greece and get hitched. Then Jason leaves her for another woman, Medea gets pissed off, and Medea burns him and his new honey with a magical robe.
I'm not intentionally vengeful when it comes to people who have wronged me. I believe in the general concept of karma, so I think that people who do wrong, including myself, will get their share if crap in a lifetime. That being said, I do enjoy a good revenge story- especially when it involves love.
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Jason and the Golden Fleece
In order to get to the fleece, Jason and the Argonauts first had to pass through the Blue Islands, which collided into each other whenever boats passed through, killing all the people aboard. To test it, Jason sent a bird to fly through and upon the realization that the bird made it all the way through except for its tail-feathers, he sent the boat safely through the islands.
When they reached Colchis, Jason asked the King for the Golden Fleece. The King did not refuse, but required some conditions. Jason had to yoke a pair of fire-breathing bulls with brass feet, and use them to plough a field which he would then sow with dragon's teeth. Everyone knew that these teeth would immediately grow into warriors that would turn on whoever seeded them.
Jason had attracted the attention of Medea, the daughter of the king of Colchis. She offered her gift of magic to help him, along with some conditions of her own . With the help of her magic, he was able to tame the bulls and plough the field. When the dragon's teeth grew into hostile warriors, he threw a magic stone among them, so that they turned against each other and fought until they were all dead. Medea took care of the dragon by basically drugging it so Jason could retrieve the golden fleece.
When it comes to stories of love and revenge, the one thing that pops to my mind is my obsession, the show Scandal. For the love part, of course I'm talking about the affair between the president of the US and DC lawyer Olivia Pope. They are so in love with each other but can't go on with their relationship as they'd like because for one, he's the president of the United States, and two, he's married to Millie. Millie plays into the revenge part, because after she finds out about her husband's affair, she sends multiple threats to the president about how she knows and how she will tell the public (although the secret affair hasn't gotten out... yet).
Jason and his golden fleece. Cool summary and analysis. |
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Anyway, Jason enlists the help of 50 of his most trusted greek heroes, the ArgoMovieThatSavedBenAffleck'sSorryExcuseForACareer-onauts. Once they reach the place where the fleece is located, Jason calls upon Madea, the king's daughter, to help him get it. Once they do, they fall in love, but the love is cut short as their children are killed by Medea when Jason leaves her. This is honestly, very sad. I'm not even going to try to make a joke about this because, well, do I even need to say? You really thought I was gonna make fun of someone's kids dying? Okay, well aren't you cool?
I thought this readership had some decency. Shame on you all. Guess there's no love between us. I'm gonna save my revenge card for another day. Later haters. Because of this, I'm gonna make all of you look at this poster of Ben Affleck. Ladies, please try to contain yourselves.
Jason and the Golden Fleece
All these heroes are called the "Argonauts" because they sailed on a ship named the Argo. (what a concept...) After a long journey the King's daughter, Medea decided to help by drugging the dragon so that Jason and the Argonauts could get the fleece. After they got the fleece the Argonauts and Jason fled and circled Europe ending up back at Greece.
A while later, Jason practically dumped Medea and in revenge, she murdered their children (seems a little extreme, I mean what did the kids do wrong???). If that isn't enough, she tempted Argo to sleep in the shade of the old ship and it fell on him and killed him.
Revenge in terms of love normally escalates really quickly and that is why its so dangerous. I mean here Medea is dumped and so she decides to kill all her family to make Jason pay.....seems like a little much.....I honestly can't think of any stories I have read lately where this is apparent, but I do know that whenever Love and Revenge are present in the same story, it is not going to have an easy resolution.
Jason and the Golden Fleece
My favorite story of love and revenge is my favorite show called Revenge. A girl, named Amanda Clark, lost her father when she was a child. He was killed by this extremely wealthy family, the Grayson's, and he was framed as responsible for a plane crash. So, he is perceived as an awful person that is also dead to everyone, but she knows his innocence. Amanda switches identities and is a complete bad girl but awesome. She is one smart, tough cookie. She does everything out of love for her father and avenging his framing. She even marries the son of the Grayson's and is planning to kill them and ruin their lives, like they did to her and her father, on the date of the wedding. You have to watch this show. It's awesome. She also has a tattoo of the infinity symbol on her wrist because her father graved this symbol into a box of stuff that she keeps from him.
This is the cover for the show. It captures the show and its essence perfectly, in my opinion. Everyone watch this amazing show!
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Jason and his peeps went on an adventure to find the golden fleece claim his birthright kingship. They had to sail all the way to Colchis from Iolcus and along the way they ran into oodles of icky stuff, like harpies and what have you. Once Jason got to Colchis he had to convince the king to give him the fleece and it wasn't a walk in the park. After all, who would want to give up a golden fleece? Its gold! And magical! But the king was like "You just have to pass my tests, bro. Then you can be part of the crew." So Jason planted a field of dragon teeth, plowed the field with fire breathing bulls, and with the help of Medea, defeated the army that grew from that and got the fleece! Then he sailed home. Without Medea. Poor thing was left to be forever alone.
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Blog Number Twelve - Jason and the Golden Fleece
This thing about love and revenge confuses me. Because if Medea really did love Jason then she wouldn't have just gone and killed his wife and kids. I thought that love was supposed to be like, "I would never do anything to hurt you because I care about your feelings and wellbeing." Apparently not. I mean you're just being plain selfish if you take revenge on somebody you supposedly love even though they broke your heart and ran off with another woman because they never really loved you back and only said the things they said in order to get a golden fleece so they can take back the throne to their kingdom which was so horribly taken from them. Does that make any sense? Anyway, love is supposed to overcome anything, and I believe that revenge should be one of them. That's just my two-cents.
Make-up Blog: Jason and the Golden Fleece
Ahhh, love. What a strong force, leading people to be blinded with emotion. And people who get their hearts broken... or brutally stabbed... tend to be filled with a different kind of powerful emotion, and often will lash out, like Medea MURDERING JASON'S CHILDREN. I don't actually have any stories of my own to tell... because I'm not the revenge type and I've certainly never broken any hearts. I have, however, heard some petty and hilarious revenge stories that take place in colleges. Boyfriend forgets girl's birthday? Girl wipes his toothbrush on her butt-crack. Girl cheats on guy? Guy calls girl's parents and tells them their daughter is pregnant. Good stuff, good stuff all around. Maybe not for the people involved, but stories like that are always a good laugh. What's less funny are news stories you here about guys out in Eastern Kentucky grabbing shotguns and blowing away cheating wives and their lovers. Murder is not funny.
ill be spinnin a real YARN for you all.... oohHHHHHH................
the joke is fleece
(the joke is my sense of humor and just my life in general. yeah)
ive pretty much completely forsaken any sense of seriousness with these (mostly im thinking of my typing style) but HEY its rude to judge people based on how they type
i could type completely sans capitalization/punctuation/etc etc and still be making a good point
(given that this is one of my blog posts, however, you should probs just expect dick jokes)
so jason had to go retrieve this golden fleece from the city of colchis, said fleece being owned by a dude named king aeetes and being guarded by a sleepless serpent (ooooh alliteration woah)
he banded together a bunch of brave dudes in order to retrieve this magical piece of fabric. just think about that for a second
this is FABRIC they are risking their lives for
and women are criticized for being shallow... barf
the ship that they set sail on was called argo, and, being REALLY CREATIVE, they were like 'ey lets call our band of merry men the argonauts' (because this was ancient greece or whatever they were all probably boning each other while on that ship. i mean . who ELSE were they gonna bone . have fun with that image) ((oh they were also maybe seasick too. mmmm . tasty))
as they neared colchis apparently there were these two giant rocks flanking the little inlet they had to sail through that would crush whatever ship sailed between them (depending on whether or not u interpret those rocks as phallic symbols or like . a giant stone vagina, u can interpret this as u will. im just gonna make a joke about ROCK HARD DICKS. YEAH !!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rock out w/ ur cock out etc etc)
to test this cock crushing theory jason sent a bird to go fly through the rocks
thankfully though the bird (a dove, if ur wondering) just got its tail feathers stuck
so jason thought 'wow this is a good sign' and sailed on thru but the back end of his boat got crushed. what a shame, that boats booty was so fly
when they finally got to colchis the king was like 'no u cant have my special fabric unless u pass this test'
apparently this test was to plant a field of dragon teeth, plow that field with fire breathing bulls, and then the teeth would grow into an army of men that he would have to fight
that is literally the most metal f*cking thing ive ever heard and if you dont think so too /get out/
because this is a myth love at first sight is a thing and the kings daughter medea fell in love with jason, and since she was a syck wytch (or a sorceress, if ur goin for the lame terminology) she cheated and helped him pass the test. she gave him a super special lotion (oh my) and told him to ...
throw a rock in the middle of the army so that theyd fight each other??? what???? how does that even work
its like the old 'hey look up there' trick where ur fighting someone and u point up in the sky and when they look u punch em thats so DUMB why did that WORK
ugh whatever
basically jason passed the tests thanks to this woman who loved him (see. men are nothing without women . nothing . bow . bOW) ((joke)) and just . took the fleece and went home
left poor medea stranded and pining . what a dick
um a story of love and revenge
ummmm okay well this will sound more like a fanfic than anything but oKAY
im just going to rattle off names here nobody cares anyways so i can just talk to myself and have fun
okay so bro got killed by bec noir right
and dave found out about it and was . understandably really upset
and wow i just . wow i just want dave to find bec noir (even though bec is kind of. kind of a good guy now??? idk hes not THE most evil villain in the comic at the moment... idk) and just
kill em . stab him so many times
heck yeah . H*CK YEAH
also when rose tried to fight bec noir for killing her mom but just ended up getting herself killed. that was sad (and john trying to avenge his dad... man . every kid dies trying to avenge their murdered guardians.)
(except jade. jade just had to live wondering whether her grandpa either shot himself in the head or was killed by a creepy doll for most of her life. and thats really upsetting)
h hh hh HHQHHQAWHHWA HUGgg Gg im so rry
Monday, November 18, 2013
Abraham and Isaac
So Abraham took Isaac and set off on a 50 mile journey. As Abraham and Isaac went to the mountain, Abraham said to the two servants "We will worship and then come back."
Isaac asked where the lamb was for the sacrifice and Abraham responded that the lord would provide them with the lamb. Abraham tied up Isaac and put him on a stone altar.
Just when Abraham raised up the knife to kill him son the angel of the Lord came to Abraham and told him to stop and to not harm him.
When Abraham looked up he saw a ram and sacrificed the ram instead of his son.