Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pygmalian and Galatea Lauren Stigers

Pygmalian and Galatea is the myth of a man named Pygmalion, a sculptor, who falls in love with one of his statues. This is a story in Roman and Greek Mythology, one that stands out in my mind. Can you imagine falling in love with a statue? It doesn't seem realistic at all, but maybe it can symbolize whatever you wish it to. For instance, if you are in love with someone and can't tell them or choose not to, you may feel like you are in love with a statue or someone that you believe is incapable of feeling the same. Then, the interesting part of the story comes along. Pygmalion did not wish for or like the company of women, and in place of women, he put everything he knew into his art. He even vowed to never waste any time of women because they were full of flaws. On the contrary, he devoted all of his time to a statue of a woman that he had created. The statue seemed to be of flesh temporarily still, and he was very frustrated that she couldn't respond to his love and passion towards her. He would even dress her in nice clothing and bring her flowers. He offers the statue many presents and then, after unrewarded hope, prays to Venus. Venus takes pity of Pygmalian and brings the statue to life. Her name becomes Galatea. Pygmalian and Galatea marry and even have a son named Paphos. This story just came across as unusually creepy to me, but maybe this is just because I kept thinking of weird statues. Back to my weird rant of how it could be a symbol, Galatea becoming life gives hope to someone hopelessly in love perhaps. He gave her all his love without any reciprocity. Then, his prayers come true, and the love of his life becomes his wife and they live happily. It could mean that the this hopeless love comes to life after perseverance.
If I could have any character come to life, it would be Katniss from the Hunger Games. She is just such a cool girl, and  I would love to have an amazing conversation with her! Obviously she is really tough and could have some great words of wisdom. So even though I am not in love her her and buy her flowers and kiss someone fake, she would be the character I'd choose.
Here's a picture of my awesome character.

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