Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

Daphne was a Nymph, beautiful, created by Gaea and Peneus god of rivers, and was Apollo's first love.  Apollo challenged Eros (we know him as cupid) in his archery skills. Eros shot two arrows: a gold tipped arrow and a lead tipped arrow. The gold tipped arrow stuck Apollo, and he was overcome with the desire to love, and he fell in love with Daphne. But the lead arrow hit Daphne, and she was forced into a hatred of love. So when Apollo tried to embrace her, she ran, Apollo desperate to reach his love followed on pursuit. She was caught. She prayed to her mother Gaea, and she responded by taking her from the earth and leaving in her place a laurel tree. Apollo was still madly in love with Daphne,so he took the tree as his own in honor of Daphne. He made a wreath out of the leaves and wore it from then on, and the laurel tree gained its role as the symbol of Apollo. 

Eternal youth seems like a bitter sweet gift that most people would love to have, but I'm not so easily bought into it. Something critical is bound to happen to the nation, or mankind, or the world, and having to live through all the horrors, watching everyone you know leave you while you are stuck here forever. Doesn't seem to enjoyable to me. In today's day in age, if you had eternal youth, the media would pick you up sooner or later. That could be enjoyable, at least for a little while, but I bet after 200 years of living you'd get tired of being alive. I think it would be more suitable in a different time period, like the medieval time period. A time where more things go unnoticed, so you would be able to hide your secret without having your face all over the world. I think being able to almost anything you want to do and having the time to do everything in the world would be pretty cool.  

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