Friday, December 6, 2013

(NOT FOR LMHS) Echo and Narcissus and Narcissistic Cannibals and Kanye West

Well, not really. I just felt like referencing Korn for some reason. Okay, moving on.

So, back to Greek mythology here we have a story from Ovid's Metamorphoses, about a poor woman named Echo, and this dude named Narcissus. Echo is this nymph that just can't shut her mouth, she just talks and talks and talks all the time, day after day, night after night. So she gets a bad rap from a lot of people except Aphrodite who likes her voice and song. But one day, she pisses off Hera, the most hormonal and crazy goddess probably (who could blame her-cough-Zeus) and as a result, can only repeat the last words of everyone else. She cannot speak on her own, which really sucks. Narcissus one day happens to be chasing some deer in the woods nearby and this totally gives Echo the butterflies. I mean she frickin' loves this guy. Poor thing though, after expressing her passion to Narcissus, she gets rejected. Echo is then given the gift of invisibility, just there to repeat the words of others for all eternity. Narcissus however falls asleep next to a river, and proceeds to FALL IN LOVE with his reflection. What an ego on this guy! What did he even expect to get out of this relationship? Anyway, that's the end, he withers away loving himself for all time.

This idea of megalomaniacism can be applied pretty well to specific people in our society today. I'm not going to mention names of people at Clay, because that's pretty not cool and petty, even though I can. I'm talking about the best examples of narcissism we have to look at, and document in the dictionary definiton of narcissism. Our celebrities. The two biggest ones I can think of are Justin Bieber and Kanye West. Dear Lord, if you could just banish "Yeezus" to some forsaken land with only a mirror and some recording equipment that would be great. And no Kim can't come because the construction of letters (not a word) "Kimye" needs to be abolished completely. He prides himself on his sucesses so much and prides himself on his fame every time you seem in the media. I think SNL hit it spot on with their "Waking up with Kimye" segment they did a few weeks ago.

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