Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Comedy and why it's funny -- To Colorado

The wordplay, irony, and satire that make up The Importance of Being Earnest are what make the play so enjoyable for me. While there were multiple parts of the play in which I found myself actually laughing, I especially enjoyed the puns and wordplay. These witty lines come quickly and leave you with not only a laugh but a "How did he/she come up with that?" kind of feeling. My favorite play on words in the play comes in Act I, in relation to Jack's comment that he was found in a handbag at Victoria Station. Lady Bracknell starts commenting on how his lineage must be bag related and goes to say, "You can hardly imagine that I and Lord Bracknell would dream of allowing our only daughter -- a girl brought up with the utmost care -- to marry into a cloak room, and form an alliance with a parcel." While the notion is completely ridiculous, it's also witty and funny. Good job, Mr. Wilde, good job.

Modern humor that I enjoy usually comes from skits on YouTube or TV shows like The Big Bang Theory or Modern Family. Focusing on the Youtube videos, because they are easily accessible for everyone thanks to the internet, I particularly enjoy the College Humor Channel. My favorite skits they do are usually in the "Jake and Amir" series, but I also recommend checking out their video on Grammar Nazis. "Jake and Amir" uses mostly manneristic satire and play on words, and includes several of the clever lines like the one above. 

I highly suggest checking out those videos, but make sure there isn't a POS because it can get pretty raunchy. 

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