Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Oh Brother Where Art Thou? Oh yeah, I killed you.

Adam and Eve made a baby, and then they made another baby.  This first son was a farmer and the second was a shepherd.  God liked the shepherd's gift better, and the farmer didn't really like that, so the farmer killed his herding brother.  The farmer was punished for it through banishment and eternal failure of his crops.

I want to point out how Cain lied.  He "lied like a cheap rug."
Where's your brother?
Oh I don't know!
You lying piece of dirt, you!
(See what I did there?  Man came from dirt.)

My brother and I can fight like cats and dogs, but we can also be really sweet with each other.  Just the other day, my dad came in to find the two of us sitting side-by-side on the couch watching tv together.  He was sure the sky was falling, or something, because that NEVER happens!  At least, when anyone is around to really see it.  I think the biggest things we fight over is how bossy I am, but that's just my personality.  We do play video games together, and that has been known to cause rifts between us.

 So in the following pictures, you can see my brother and me sharing a bed on some vacation we went on, and then me seeing there is a camera so I better take this opportunity to get a hug between us on film, or else it may never happen.  Or I was hiding from the camera; I'm not really sure.


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